The Writer's Career Guide: How to Build a Sustainable Creative Life on Your Terms (ebook)
Digital downloadWant to make a living as a writer without waiting for a bestseller or sacrificing your creativity? Forget the myth of the starving artist and learn to make money as a creative on your own terms.
Transform Rejection into Resilience and Creative Success
CourseJoin the free Transform Rejection into Resilience and Creative Success workshop to learn actionable tools for building resilience, overcoming rejection, and thriving as a creative.
Your Creative Life Blueprint
CourseCreate a personalized plan for sustaining and thriving in your creative endeavors. "Your Creative Life Blueprint" workshop helps you set goals, manage time, overcome blocks, and practice self-care.
Your Book's Mood Board
CourseA fun and creative way to get clear on your book’s essence and vibe.
Choose Your Book Workshop
Kick Ass Query Letter
CourseWrite a kick ass query letter that grabs the attention of literary agents and publishers and makes them want your fiction novel.