Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! Start Here!

    2. Some Next Steps

    3. Link to Join the Group Coaching Calls!

    1. Know Your Why – The Only Mandatory HW in this Program

    2. Know Your Why Worksheet

    3. Know Your Why Group Coaching Call on August 11, 2020

    1. Choosing Your Path to Published™

    2. Take your Path to Published™ Quiz

    3. Group Coaching Call – Your Chosen Path to Published™

    1. The Traditional Publishing Path Overview

    2. Your Traditional Path to Published™ Visual Roadmaps

    3. A Special Note About Academic Presses and Poetry

    4. Writing a Query Letter Mini-Course

    5. BONUS: Query Letters with literary agent Elise Capron

    6. How to Write a Book Proposal

    7. Finding and Pitching to Literary Agents

    8. BONUS: How to Find a Literary Agent with Elise Capron from Dijkstra Literary Agency

    9. BONUS: How much can you really make from traditional publishing?

    1. The Self-Publishing Path Overview

    2. Writing and Editing Your Self-Published Book

    3. Self-Publishing as a Healing Practice with KishaLynn Moore Elliot

    4. Formatting the Interior of Your Self-Published Book

    5. Choosing a Cover for Your Self-Published Book

    1. What Do You Do Once Your Book is Published?

    2. Defining Publishing Success for Yourself

    3. BONUS Group Coaching Call: When you're ready to start putting your book out there, December 7, 2020

About this course

  • $499.00
  • 31 lessons
  • 10.5 hours of video content