Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Kick Ass Query Letter!

    2. Bonus Coaching Call Tuesday, September 12

    3. A quick tech overview of how to use Thinkific

    1. Know Your Why – The Only Mandatory HW in this Program

    2. Know Your Why Worksheet

    1. Writing a Query Letter Workshop

    2. Lauren's Old Query Letter from 2013 (got her a big name agent for her memoir but is a bit dated)

    3. Lauren's New Query Letter from 2022 (had 8 agents interested in her book)

    1. Alika Part 1: walking through writing a Kick Ass Query Letter with Lauren and Alika

    2. Alika's Old Query Letter

    3. Alike Part 2: Editing the newer cover letter

    4. Creating a Strong Summary for Your Book Coaching Call

    1. What to do after you wrote your query letter

    1. Insight into the minds, lives, and workload of agents

    2. Literary Agent Elise Capron's Advice on Query Letters

    3. Do the Damn Thing – a workbook for breaking down a large creative project

    4. Choosing the Right Platform for You – a guide to aligning your marketing venue with your personal style

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content