Course curriculum

    1. Welcome + Overview of the course

    2. Download Your Workbook

    1. Journal Through It Part 1

    2. Journal Through It Part 2

    3. Audio only – listen on the go like a podcast!

    4. Download the workshop slides if you want to follow along.

    1. Read this first: About Your Bonus Course Within the Course

    2. Overview of Journal Through It (2017 version)

    1. Your Journal Through It Action Plan Intro

    2. The 6 Most Effective Types of Journaling and How to Use Them

    1. Module 2 Worksheet

    2. Understanding Your Hierarchy of Needs Overview

    3. Choosing Your Priority Tasks

    4. Centering Your Priority Task

    1. Module 3 Worksheet

    2. Gathering Background Information on your Priority Task

    3. Analyzing Your History with the Priority Task

    4. Connecting the Dots and Noticing Patterns

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content